Meir Shomron

This is my portfolio.

About me

I'm Meir, and I love games.
I've always had a passion for games since I was young.
My favorite games are notably: Warcraft 1, AOE 2, HOMM 3 and Tribal Wars.
I Started developing mini games as a teenager in Java and Unity and later pursued my passion with a degree in Computer Science.
Many of my projects aren't on Github yet and I'll slowly move them there.

Rubik's Cube

A full Implementation of a Rubik's Cube in C++ with openGL.
This is a Great example of how to use transformation matrices for the rotation of the cubes.

IK Solver

IK Solver (CCD method) in C++ with OpenGL, Creates a chain that can be rotated and moved freely by the user.
Press the 'Space' button and watch the CCD algorithm in action.

Ray Tracer

Ray tracer with openGL - Implemetnation of Phong lighting.

Mesh Collision

3D collision detection, axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABB).

Mesh Simplification

An implementation of a mesh simplification algorithm. The paper that describes this algorithm is included in the project's main Directory.

English Checkers

English Checkers in Java.